Pls Unban
I personally would love to have you back on the server, I believe since the issue at hand happened over discord and not on the server, I am more than willing to unban you on the server but keep you banned longer on the discord. Following the punishment chart and since you did not technically doxx the person in question, I believe that a 1 1/2 week ban is sufficient as this is more time than the listed 1 week tempban for a 3rd strike harassment charge.

I say unban on the creative server but to maintain a discord ban for the near future. Before an unban I do require other staff to reply.
- Tommys, Creative Head-Admin

Messages In This Thread
Pls Unban - by Wired - 07-Apr-2020, 11:33 PM
RE: Pls Unban - by Tommys - 07-Apr-2020, 11:36 PM

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