[Temp Ban] Ban appeal


Date Of Ban: 


Why should i be unbanned:

i should be unbanned because firstly, the only reason i griefed this persons house was because a bunch of other builders were doing the same and apparently the buid was being removed anyway and the plot was being reclaimed, even builder +'s were involved so i thought it would be okay and no harm would be done if the build was being removed.. Though i should not of been involved anyway i didn't know it was that strict and i have only had builder rank a couple of days so i am not familiarised with the rules. I am very sorry for griefing the house and it will never happen again, i understand if you will take the rank off me, but i promise if i can still have it i will never do such a think again now i know the consequences. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal and take into consideration the things i have said.

Your ban appeal has not been agreed on, as you were heavily included in the griefing and 'other people doing the same thing' is not an excuse. Your rank will stay as it is, and you will gain access back to the server after the 7-day-period of your ban.

sylp | creative manager | member since 2013 | head of uP

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