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Full Version: Builder Application #2 (Updated Build)
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My first application a little while ago had one nice build but the others weren't very impressive.
The build that I was proud of was this one:

However my first attempt at a modern house was outdated:

So! I have created a new modern house trying to be a bit larger scale with some more details.
/\ Here's the new house (with and without shaders) and I hope it might help to reconsider me in my application forĀ  builder Smile

Hi there,

Interior of your traditional style house is a bit outdated, but good for an application. I would suggest visiting the following warps for inspiration: /warp Arivida, /warp LakeShoreEstates and /warp Forst

Your modern build needs improvement and I would suggest visiting /warp pacific_heights and /warp marina for inspiration there.

I am accepting this, solely on the traditional build... it is adequate enough for approval.

You will be promoted shortly. Remind staff if neglected.