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Full Version: Temp Mute - fzm
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Dear fzm#0798 ID#:137998554378665984

You have been Temp Muted from Discord for a period of 1 week for excessive harassment, toxicity, drama, player disrespect, staff disrespect, excessive swearing, targeted bullying and behavior that effects the community negatively.

Multiple staff have issued multiple warnings.  Upper staff and Leadership have spoken to you about your conduct numerous times in DMs.  You have left staff no other option then to escalate this.

If this behavior persists after the mute expires or if you continue this way in-game, you will be permanently muted.

You have the right to make a ban appeal in the correct forum and in the correct format.

Thank you.

Proof: | (This and more that I don't have the time to post) [posts are not in any particular order] {see discord search for more / complete conversations} |

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